Monday, May 17, 2010

The fearful or highly submissive puppy

The extremely shy, reluctant or nervous puppy. Sometimes we pick them because our heart goes out to them, the underdog so to speak. Sometimes we pick them because we think they will be calmer, more docile and easier to control.

My feeling is that puppies that have this personality trait should never be adopted by a first-time dog owner. A fearful puppy can be much harder to train and require much more patience and understanding. In some cases, fearful puppies become more reactive and potentially more aggressive towards other dogs and people -- especially those they are meeting for the first time.

Warning signs of a fearful puppy can include the following:
  • inordinate amount of shaking when approached
  • hesitant or overwhelmed when approached
  • immediate rolling over and showing his/her belly when you go near or touch the puppy
  • overactive startle reflex in response to sound or movement
  • reflex urination when approached
  • fear of hands reaching out to the puppy
  • refusing to go forward, backing up or freezing in place when on the leash
Overly submissive pups require a lot of patience, a calm environment and constant attention to socialization with new people and other dogs. However, fearfulness can be reduced significantly, making for a happy, enjoyable friendship. Unfortunately, if not handled correctly, it can escalate into high-anxiety for both you and your dog, and, sometimes highly aggressive behavior. If you suspect your dog may be fearful, if you take the time to get some help on socialization from an experienced dog trainer, you may save yourself a lot of frustration in the long run.

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