The internet is a wonderful advancement for matching potential puppy parents with their new babies. The immediacy between availability and widespread notification of the puppy's availability has sped up the matching process immensely and undoubtedly helped to save many lives.
I have noticed that some of these internet listings include the phrase "appropriate for first-time dog owners." This has always bothered me. Like all puppies, all new owners are not created equal, so I am uncomfortable with anyone making the blanket statement that a particular puppy will do well with anyone who has had zero dog ownership experience.
From my perspective, first-time owners should NEVER get a puppy that is not already solidly potty-trained and doesn't yet have the fundamental sit, come, no biting and don't jump up commands down pat. That's because these are the behaviors that will create the most unhappiness when a person experiences them and doesn't have the tools to modify any improper behavior.
The result is that much too often pups will be punished inappropriately (for instance, shoving the puppy's nose into his poop) or puppies are returned, or puppies are unfortunately relegated to banishment outdoors.
So, if you are thinking about getting a dog for the first time and are attracted to the 'cuteness' of a puppy, think about these alternatives:
- Consider a slightly older, already trained puppy, 6 months to a year old; there are many of these puppies available at shelters and through rescue groups.
- Consider adopting an adult from a smaller breed that maintains 'puppy-like' qualities; for example, a Norfolk or Norwich Terrier or mix.
- Prepare to have an experienced trainer do in-depth work with both your puppy AND your family, at least until all the basics are completely under control
You will get the most enjoyment out of your puppy by having patience and waiting for the one that has the size, physical traits, age (there is a world of difference between 8 weeks and 12 weeks), behaviors and training level that will minimize your stress. Maximize your joy!
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